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Biodiversity Day Theme 2022

Celebrating International Day for Biological Diversity: Our Global Commitment to Nature

2022: A Year of Action for Biodiversity

The International Day for Biological Diversity is celebrated on May 22nd, serving as a reminder of the importance of biodiversity and the need to take collective action to protect it. In 2022, the theme of the campaign is "Building a shared future for all life," highlighting the urgent need to integrate biodiversity conservation into all aspects of our societies.

Global Plan Transforming Our Relationship with Nature

In December 2022, countries worldwide adopted the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, a comprehensive plan to transform our relationship with nature. This framework sets out 23 targets for 2030, including protecting 30% of land and sea areas, reducing pesticide use by 50%, and reducing the extinction risk of threatened species by 10%. The framework also emphasizes the importance of mainstreaming biodiversity considerations into decision-making processes across all sectors.

22 Actions for Biodiversity

The 2022 Biodiversity Day campaign features a series of "22 Actions for Biodiversity" that individuals and organizations can take to support the conservation of biodiversity. These actions range from reducing plastic waste to planting native trees, and offer practical ways for everyone to contribute to the protection of our planet's natural heritage.

International Recognition and Partnerships

The International Day for Biological Diversity was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2000, recognizing the critical role biodiversity plays in supporting life on Earth. Governments, international organizations, and civil society groups around the world observe this day through various events, campaigns, and educational initiatives. Partnerships between governments, businesses, and communities are crucial to ensuring the successful implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework and achieving the 2030 targets.
